Cadavres Exquis - Mathieu Schmitt - 2014 - détail

Cadavres Exquis

2014 wood, plants, electrodes, arduino, thermal printer 130x40x40 cm

There are three plants, each one is connected by an electrode to an Arduino, controlling the tiny electrical changes in them. Interpreting these changes as a real desire of these plants, significantly different each time; they “choose” each a part of the exquisite corpse in a database, and once the three choices are made, it’s printed on the paper roll … ad lib.

Cadavres Exquis - Mathieu Schmitt - 2014

Cadavres Exquis - Mathieu Schmitt - 2014 - private collection

Cadavres Exquis - Mathieu Schmitt - 2014

Cadavres Exquis - Mathieu Schmitt - 2014 - détail - private collection

Cadavres Exquis - Mathieu Schmitt - 2014 - détail

Cadavres Exquis  - Mathieu Schmitt - 2014 - detail - private collection